Servant Life | Fundraising
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When it comes to raising support for your trip, there are many different fundraising options. As you begin to explore fundraising methods, remember that the main goal is to effectively communicate what you are doing and how others can help.



First and foremost, we strongly believe in the importance of being part of the local church, and being sent to out on mission by that local body of believers. When seeking support for your trip, your goal is not only to secure financial support, but also spiritual encouragement and support. Getting your church involved in your missions experience allows them to know how to best pray, support, and encourage you before, during, and after you return from your trip.

- Talk to your pastor about speaking to the church congregation.

- Ask if your church has funds available to help support people going on mission trips.

- Talk to Bible study groups in your church about partnering with you for financial and prayer support. This is a great way to involve the senior adults in your church. You might be surprised by how much the rest of the church wants to support you.

- Ask if the church will help plan, support, and execute a fundraiser for you and your team.




While church partnership should be the primary avenue of fundraising, there are many other activities and events that provide helpful ways for your church, friends, family and community to be involved in your missions experience. 



We have an entire section dedicated to helping you write and send out letters of support (including a sample support letter), as we feel this is one of the most helpful and fruitful methods.​


Looking for more ideas? Download our PDF Resource Below:


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