Mexico | Short-Term Mission Trips with Servant Life
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Trip Information



Merida, Mexico

Saturday to Friday, or

Sat. - Sat., or Fri. - Fri. 

Spring Break, Summer, Fall.


Max group size of 24

Min. group size of 10


$749 plus airfare (cost details)

(Note: This location has tiered pricing based on group size.)


Church partnership, VBS, community outreach, labor projects, church services, AWANA

Just a few hours around the coast from Cancun along the Yucatan Peninsula lies the historic city of Merida, Mexico (with its own international airport, where teams can fly directly). Merida is considered the second safest city in North America according to a recent study and has been named the "American Capital of Culture." Servant Life partners with a local seminary and a network of more than 40 Baptist churches in Merida and the surrounding areas. Short-term teams will be staying at the seminary and partnering with a church (or churches) during the week of ministry to help that church reach their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


What will my team be doing? 

Each week of ministry could look a little different based on the specific church you are partnering with and the particular needs and ministry opportunities of that church or around the seminary campus. Instead of thinking of a traditional day in which we work mornings and afternoons and then take evenings off to rest, here in Merida we normally work mornings and evenings and take the afternoons off to rest because it is so hot! Most days, you'll be doing a VBS with a church in the evening for a few hours after things have started to cool. In the morning, you might be doing labor projects around the seminary or local churches, or helping host day camps or other community outreach events. We also participate in local church services on Sunday mornings (and sometimes Wednesday) nights, where your team can help with children's ministry, youth ministry, preaching.


What does a general weekly schedule look like?

  • Friday. Travel day. Arrive and get settled in that evening.

  • Saturday. Sight-seeing in the city of Merida in the morning and eat lunch at a restaurant. That afternoon, help a local church run their AWANA program (kids ministry).

  • Sunday. Attend church service of your partner church; help with children's ministry, youth ministry, preaching. Maybe eat a meal with the church. That afternoon, drive to the Mayapan Ruins (Mayan); enjoy the historical archeological site and climb on the pyramids. 

  • Monday - Thursday. Work in the mornings around the seminary or other local churches. Host VBS with partner churches later in the day.

  • Friday. Travel day. Depart Merida and arrive back to the U.S.


(The Saturday to Friday or Saturday to Saturday schedule would have similar opportunities, but might be re-arranged some.)


What does my cost include?

  • (Note: This location has tiered pricing based on your group size and the length of your trip).

  • In-country transportation. In-country transportation. From the moment you land at the airport until the moment you leave, we will take you everywhere during the week. You will not need to arrange your own transportation, but teams should be prepared to do some walking as we navigate different villages and communities.

  • Housing. Your team will sleep in bunk bed style accommodations on the seminary campus with access to hot showers and bathrooms. For an additional cost, your team can stay at a hotel near downtown Merida instead.

  • Meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, every day! (Note: You need to pay for your own meals at the airport, while traveling, etc.)

  • Supplemental Traveler's Insurance. In the event of a medical emergency, you'll be covered with an international policy!

  • T-Shirt. Every participant gets an awesome mission trip t-shirt.

  • Pre-Trip Training Material. We provide training sessions, trip overview documents, assistance from our team of mission trip experts, and communication with in-country missionaries to make sure your group is fully prepared for your trip.

  • Pre, During, and Post-trip Devotionals. This 4-week printed missions journal will help every team member grow and encounter Christ.

Airfare is not included in the trip cost, but will be taken care of by Servant Life's travel agent who gets humanitarian rates and often free baggage. You may book on your own if you prefer to do so, but we ask to approve the itinerary first.

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