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Want to know who you'll be serving with on a short-term mission trip?


By design, Servant Life partners with evangelical mission partners who are part of long-term ministry connected to the local church in their context. Who we partner with varies from location to location; sometimes we are partnering with foreign missionaries who are working in that context; sometimes we are partnering with national believers, church planters, or organized ministries; and sometimes we are partnering directly with the local church itself, or a network of churches. One thing consistent among all of our trips is that ongoing ministry will be established in that context before your team arrives and will be going on well after your team departs; your one week of ministry will be part of much larger, ongoing work through the continued efforts of the local church and its partners.


Some of the affiliations, sending agencies, and sponsoring organizations of our Servant Life mission partners include the following:

International Mission Board logo
North American Mission Board logo
ABWE Foundation logo
Greater Europe Mission logo
Baptist World Alliance logo
UK-USA Ministries logo
Clubhouse Guatemala Logo

Cristiana Integral

Latin America Ministry Alliance
Street Reach logo
Mission Bulgaria logo
Urban Nations Outreach
Go Bahamas International Mission Logo
Glocal Mission
Serve Orlando
Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba
Crossroads Global Initiative
Jocko Valley Baptist Church
Nourishing the Nations
Zona Zegura logo
Matkuil Campamento Bautista
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