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Our Calling


As followers of Jesus, we each have a unique and powerful calling. It's not just for pastors or missionaries—it's for every believer, every day. The call to live out our faith with purpose and passion is foundational to who we are. But what exactly are we called to do? Let’s break it down into three essential components of our Christian calling: to pray, to sacrificially give, and to make disciples.

We Are Called To…


First and foremost, we are called to pray. Prayer is the foundation of our relationship with God. It’s where we communicate with Him, align our hearts with His will, and invite His presence into every area of our lives. The Bible calls us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and Jesus modeled this through His life—often retreating to spend time in prayer with the Father.

Through prayer, we not only ask for what we need but also seek to hear from God, understand His heart, and intercede on behalf of others. Prayer is a powerful tool that can change our lives and the world around us. It’s a call to stay connected to God, to trust in His guidance, and to be vessels for His will on earth. Whether it’s a quick prayer on the go or a dedicated time of prayer, we are called to be people who pray regularly, passionately, and faithfully.

Sacrificially Give

We are also called to sacrificially give. Jesus’ life was the ultimate example of sacrificial love, and He calls us to follow in His footsteps. This means giving not only out of our abundance but also out of our need, stepping into uncomfortable spaces to bless others. The early church in Acts 2:45 sold their possessions and shared everything in common. This sacrificial spirit is a hallmark of a life transformed by the gospel.

Giving doesn’t just refer to finances—it includes our time, energy, and talents. It’s a call to invest in others, to care for the poor, to support the spread of the gospel, and to pour into the lives of those around us. Sacrificial giving is not always easy, but it reflects the heart of God, who gave His only Son for our salvation. Through our sacrificial giving, we not only serve others but also demonstrate God’s love in practical ways.

Make Disciples

Finally, we are called to make disciples. Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations." This isn’t just for a few special Christians—it’s the responsibility of every believer. To make disciples means to actively share the gospel, invest in the spiritual growth of others, and guide them in following Christ.

Making disciples is about more than just preaching the gospel; it’s about walking alongside people, teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded, and helping them grow in their faith. Discipleship involves relationship, patience, and intentionality. It means helping others navigate their struggles, celebrate victories, and continue to deepen their walk with Christ. This call is both local and global—whether we’re discipling someone in our community or across the world, we’re all part of God’s mission to see His kingdom expanded.



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